Procurement documents

Procurement procedure: Výroba pamětních stříbrných mincí

Document information

Title: Annexe 4 TD - Technical parameters of the sample pattern coins
Document published on Profile: 15.08.2024 09:28:11

Actual file version

File name: Dokument MS Word Annexe 4 TD - Technical parameters of the sample pattern coins.doc
Size: 35.50 KiB
Actual file version: 14.08.2024 10:00:53
MD5 hash: a5a4117854c6d19edcebd5a30deb2e79
SHA256 hash: c8697f6c2d649e2bda25abe98c6ca45802c95274a3ec1a994a0be005907aadce

File history

Date Title Description Document type File name Size
V 14.08.2024 10:00:53 Annexe 4 TD - Technical parameters of the sample pattern coins procurement documents - Annexe 4 TD - Technical parameters of the sample pattern coins.doc 35.50 KiB