DBID: 799
Systémové číslo: P21V00000004 Evidenční číslo zadavatele: 20061 Dle zákona: č. 134/2016 Sb.
Evidenční číslo ve VVZ: Z2021-017082
Datum zahájení:
Nabídku podat do:
19.02.2021 10:00
Název, druh veřejné zakázky a popis předmětu
Název: SWIFT Watch Premium
Druh veřejné zakázky: Služby
Stručný popis předmětu: The subject of the public contract is the provision of the SWIFT Watch Premium service, in particular the provision of access to the SWIFT database in the scope of the SWIFT Watch Premium service for the Contracting Authority’s staff. The subject of the contract also includes the provision of historical data in the scope of the SWIFT Watch Premium service in respect of the previous five years. More details on the subject of the public contract are given in Annex 1 to this Invitation – Contractual documentation.
Druh zadávacího řízení, předpokládaná hodnota
Druh řízení:
jednací řízení bez uveřejnění
Důvod použití jednacího řízení: The reason for the use of a negotiated procedure without prior publication is that the subject of the public contract may only be provided by S.W.I.F.T. s.c., having its registered office at Avenue Adele 1, B-1310 La Hulpe, Belgium, company ID number: 0413.330.856 (hereinafter “SWIFT”), which is the only entity having exclusive, temporal, territorial or otherwise unrestricted authorisation to provide information contained in its databases, in this case specifically in respect of the SWIFT Watch Premium service. SWIFT is simultaneously the only global company operating a network for secure messaging between financial institutions through a standardised system of codes. In practice, the service is used mainly for making international payments through the SWIFTNet telecommunication network, which is used by more than 11,000 banks (including Czech ones) worldwide. Thanks to this role, SWIFT has a unique position in accessing all transactions executed through its network; for this reason, there is no other technical alternative to obtain the relevant data required by the Financial Market Supervision Department (FMSD) for effective supervision in the area of anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT).
For the above reasons, the Contracting Authority applied a negotiated procedure without prior publication pursuant to Article 63(3)(b) and (c) of the Act.
Režim veřejné zakázky:
Předpokládaná hodnota:
Úřední název: Česká národní banka
IČO: 48136450
Poštovní adresa: Na Příkopě 28
115 03 Praha 1
Id profilu zadavatele ve VVZ: 342165
Adresa kontaktního místa
Nabídky, resp. žádosti o účast podávat na:
via the E-ZAK electronic tool (https://ezak.cnb.cz/?lang=en).